Julie pic

Julie Irving

Durham area

Location: Durham area -available weekends and Mondays
Company: As one dog training
Email: asonedogtrainingowner@gmail.com

I have owned dogs all of my life and want to be the best trainer/dog handler possible  so I have studied and qualified as an Institute of Modern Dog Trainer trainer and behaviourist    ( level 5), which is accredited by the  Open College Network. My passion is dog sports and I have competed at high level in agility  with my border collies, Jack, Niko, Luca and Ruki and  I now also train and compete in Hoopers. I am an accredited Advanced  Canine Hoopers UK Instructor.

I  offer training, behaviour modification  and teach Hoopers workshops, classes and 121s in the Durham area  (https://durhamdogs.co.uk/).  I  use  only force free, modern training techniques.

I love the ethos of WAG and hope that in  a small way I can contribute to improving the lives  of elderly dog lovers in our region.