Visiting Wag Team, Lynne and Spud visit Mr Jimmy S in Gateshead!
Mr Jimmy S lives in his own home in Gateshead, he recently lost his beloved Jack Russell, he has memory problems which mean he is no longer able to manage a dog of his own and he misses having regular contact with a dog terribly.
So Lynne and Friendship Dog Spud started visiting Mr S in August and he loved Spud straight away and the feeling was mutual as you can see; he was thrilled that Spud would be visiting with Lynne every week.
Mr S is able to get out of the house for a walk and he often goes to his local church. On his birthday recently, his friends know how much Spud means to him so they’ve him a photo and a mug with Spud on the front and they also invited Spud and Lynne to the church coffee morning; he was really delighted to be able to introduce them to everyone. Spud sat beautifully on his knee and enjoyed a cuddle while Mr S and Lynne had some tea and cake; sounds like the perfect birthday!